Colin was the best. I pushed the babies around in the stroller with my mom and Colin took Justin to every door. A lot of people had their lights on but weren't answering the door, some even had decorations out but weren't home. It was a frustrating start. Justin even tried to walk into the first house we went to, he didn't quite understand. So we will forever go trick or treating with our kids to keep them safe!!!!! The second half of our adventure was so much fun. People in Arizona just sit outside with a table and their candy bowl and watch all of the kids. Can you imagine doing that in WA with the cold weather?? Poor Justin was sweating in his costume by the time we got home! All in all it was a successful adventure and we all had fun. OF course we had the cutest kid on the block!
That costume looks pretty hot..I think I would have cried too!! Really cute though...Did he roar at anyone?? I know how he gets sometimes just putting on his clothes so I can imagine the crying fit he had putting on this costume. The picture of him and Colin is great...that goes on the refer!! He sure has his Dad's pretty blue eyes. Needless to say I would have loved to have been there...tears and all. I'm sure he loved the haul he made - Love the updates!
so glad to see some new pictures of Justin and the twins. Your boys are all so handsome, wish I could see them in person. Justin had to have been the cutest trick or treater by far. Love the lion costume. Thanks for the posts
It was so good to talk to you the other day! I miss you! The costume is really cute and of course the person wearing it is even cuter! I can not believe how big he is getting. The twins are getting big too and are cute as well! I love the picture of the 3 of them on the floor together! You are doing a great job Britt and Colin! Thanks for posting new pics. :)
Love the Lion! That's really cute. So this was probably your first year to trick or treat with him since he was too young last year. Glad you guys EVENTUALLY had fun. By the way, I really loved seeing you and all your beautiful boys yesterday.
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