Well as many of you know, everyone thinks Ryan is a little big for his age! But you will be happy to know that he is NOT off the charts!
Ryan weighed in at 21lbs (90th percentile) and is 27 inches tall (75th percentile)! But the shocker was Dylan!
Dylan weighed in at 17.10lbs (50th percentile) and is 28.5 inches tall (95th percentile).
So even though Ryan is chubby, Dylan is taller. So yes, they are both big guys but nothing off the charts! Everyone is normal and very healthy!!!! And thank goodness that this was the last time for 5 shots at a time each! Yeay for good check ups!
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7 years ago
Your boys are just perfect Brittany!
Now you make me feel bad..you know i love them to death...they are adorable and are perfect angels....big angels but perfect none the less. Wow Dylan is tall that's why the 5 pound difference seems like so much more because he is so much longer. Maybe we will finally have a Brown that takes after the Moug side (my side) like my Dad and brothers..I am glad that is their last round of shots for a while...5 shots makes me want to cry! Big Hugs from Grammy..
Thanks Marnae! Hope you get to meet them soon!
Sandie, I do know you love them to death, they know that too. You are an amazing Grammy, I am so lucky to have you love them and want to be around them as much as I do!
That's funny because my girls had their 1 year today (3 shots) and we have to go back in two weeks to recheck Cali and Delaney because D is only at 0.11 percent and C is not even on the charts. Trust me, to have a child who is gaining is always better. I'm sure you know that nothing could be wrong with a little bit of baby fat and big chubby cheeks.
Sundi that is so cute. I can't believe they aren't even on the charts (practically). They are so healthy and perfect!
Sundi is Jos on the charts??
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