I have been giving the babies baths in the kitchen sink lately because they have become rather messy little guys since they are eating more types of foods...crackers, waffles, green beans etc. They have been getting about 3 baths a day after every meal! Well today I just put them all in the tub together for the first time and they all had a great time. Splashing and chewing on all of the toys and laughing at each other!
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7 years ago
Three at a time is certainly the way to go..now if you can get them down to one bath a day you'll be ahead of the game. I did find out what you mean though by messy little eaters...they either close their mouth before you have time to get the spoon in (Ry Ry) or they hit the spoon full of food as they as sticking their thumbs in their mouths (Dylan). Such good babies though..I loved my time there...and I do appreciate how you just let me do my thing with all three boys...
Oh, too cute. Wow Justin & Ryan are looking like twins! LOL. Hugs from afar. Auntie Shelley
Oh I love that. Justin probably does too. The best part is that you can now bathe them all at the same time! I can't believe how grown they're getting already. Justin is finally going to get some play mates!!!
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