When Colin flew up we had a day to hang around so he thought of the idea to go to Pike Place and take the kids around. It was so fun, I love Seattle to death as you know so it was great to have such a fun memory of the kids at Pike Place.
I was lucky enough to get 2 photo sessions with Jocelyn (my sister in law). One with myself and the kids and another one when Colin came into town to drive us home! Here are some of the shots she sent me, i cannot wait to print and frame these and put them all over our house!!!!!!!!!! I love, love, love them. For anyone interested in a photo shoot, Jocelyn is amazing as you can see. For those blog stalkers too if you go to her blog on the right called "This and That" there is also a link on their to her photography website. Another one to watch, she puts all of her sessions on there http://www.jocelynkbrownphotography.com/
Justin is pretty in love with this tall guy. Uncle Bennett pulled out all of the tricks with Justin and the twins, tricks I don't even think he knew he had. I got to know this guy more when I was up for my trip and just love that he is Jocelyn's husband. What an amazing couple they are; they compliment each other in the best of ways and really are fun to be around. I think Bennett may be a Justin favorite.
We drove and drove and drove...but made time on day 2 before we got home to spend at Venice Beach. I had never been there before so I took a lot of pictures of very interesting "sites" as well as the kids at the beach. The pictures speak for themselves.
One of our many adventures in WA involved a two day trip to stay with my long time friend Kelli. We took Justin (and the twins) to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time. He loved it, Justin had a great time on all of the rides, he gets really serious and concentrates when he is having lots of fun, so don't be fooled by his expressions! Colin and I also stopped at one on our road trip home to give the kids a break from the car and a little fun, no pictures from that though...we were pretty tired and not in picture taking mode.
We stayed at my girlfriend Kelli's house for a couple of days and were invited to a dinner at Colin's Aunt Debbie's house so the twins could meet everyone, including Grandpa Mike. We knew Kelli lived in the same area as Aunt Debbie but didn't realize it was literally around the corner on the same lake. Had a great time of course! And uncle Tom had all of the cool cars that the kids loved to play with as well as wild bunnies!