We stayed at my girlfriend Kelli's house for a couple of days and were invited to a dinner at Colin's Aunt Debbie's house so the twins could meet everyone, including Grandpa Mike. We knew Kelli lived in the same area as Aunt Debbie but didn't realize it was literally around the corner on the same lake. Had a great time of course! And uncle Tom had all of the cool cars that the kids loved to play with as well as wild bunnies!
드라마다시보기무료사이트 Best 11
7 years ago
Brittany, these are great pics..my dad will love them. I loved having you and the boys here. There is nothing like the day to day time together to get to know kids. I know that Ryan is the funny guy and an early riser...Dylan is the baby of the family who adores his mama and is a great eater (even though he is the runt) - he takes after his big brother in many ways (like to sleep in and looks like him)...and there is Justin -who has taken the role of big brother very seriously - he's smart as a whip, loves shoes, is a little pack rat (carries everyting around with him), has an iron will and is the apple of his grammy's eye. It was a great time -hope you had a good time and will do it again..love you tons.
i like how my mom felt the need to explain pack rat.
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