Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My new back explanation necessary

Girls night out!

Colin was so sweet, the other night it was my buddies Birthday dinner and Colin and I were sitting around at home and I was telling him how I had cabin fever and hadn't left the house since Tuesday. I was not hinting to anything and he said "you should go out with them. Just go for a couple of hours and I will be fine." I did not feel good about this at all because I know my own stress levels and how scary it can be at times with two babies and I am with them 24/7. I didn't feel right about leaving Colin with them. He said GO! So I did. I kept calling to check and he said exactly what I needed to hear in order to have a good time "everything is just wonderful". He still to this day hasn't told me how it really went. I love how he just gets me.

My little man!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Me with the boys

Justin has been camera shy lately... so I couldn't get him in the picture

Friday, October 10, 2008

The boys

Breakfast with Poppa

Every Tuesday my Dad takes care of Justin. It's their special day where they hang out together. Since I was on bed rest and now stay home, I have been lucky enough to join them on their day. The day always starts with pancakes at some breakfast place...